Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy 17th Anniversary!

Today is Mark and my 17th anniversary. We've spent the majority of today recovering from yesterday. After a quick trip to the house to drop of keys and pick up a few final things, we came home and took the kids to breakfast and then back to the house for a two hour nap. I messed around trying to get a new modem hooked up and after being on the phone for about an hour with Comcast, they told me that they had not taken the account off seasonal hold as my dad requested on the 11th. They told me it would be done tomorrow so I'm borrowing someone else's internet today. I sure hope they don't mind :-) If they did, they would have secured their wireless signal....right?

So, we're off to dinner and a movie after we drop the kids off at the ward picnic. Friends have offered to take them home afterwards and we'll pick them up a little later tonight. Our last day at church as a family for a while will be tomorrow as Mark will be leaving for Saudi on the 19th. Then the girls and I leave for Chicago tomorrow afternoon to visit the American Girl store. This trip is for their birthday and they are very excited! Looking forward to everything but the drive!

So Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband! I'm looking forward to this adventure and many more years together!


  1. 17 years!! How cool!! Congratulations! I hope you have a great evening!! What movie are you going to see?

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! So glad you have a blog (found the address on FB!) so I can keep up with all your exciting travels!! Glad to hear you were able to celebrate yesterday with dinner and a movie! We weren't so lucky :( We ended up staying at the ward picnic, then I got home and realized I still hadn't prepared my lesson for today--EEK! Poor Denton!
